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Frequently asked questions

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Who is the AI Academy for?

The AI Academy is for professionals who want to learn how to use AI at work. It’s suitable for both beginners and intermediate users of AI tools who want to be more productive at work.

How is this different from other AI courses?

AI is a fast-moving field and most courses are rarely updated, quickly becoming outdated. We publish new tutorials daily to help you stay on the cutting edge. And unlike other courses that are mostly created by newcomers, our content is created by expert practitioners in the field.

How much does it cost?

You can pick from 2 flexible options: a monthly $100 subscription or a one-time $250 payment for lifetime access. We publish new materials daily and you can expect to get strong value on an ongoing basis.

Are the courses live or recorded?

All our courses are recorded so you can learn at your convenience. We will also soon be launching weekly live workshops.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription from your account settings at any time you like.

What’s your refund and guarantee policy?

Since you’ll be getting access to thousands of dollars of content as soon as you sign up, we are not offering any refunds at this point. Our courses have been created by some of the leading AI practitioners in the world and our educational content has reached over 5 million professionals worldwide. We’re confident you’ll get strong value by joining the academy.

How soon will I start seeing results?

Our courses are designed to get you results immediately. At the end of every course and tutorial, you’ll be able to implement the learnings to your work and start generating measurable results.

Do you offer enterprise packages? Can I sign up my team?

Absolutely, please contact us at

I have a question. How do I get in touch?

You can contact us at